1. Working with Children and Families

1.1Effective Support for Children and Families (Threshold) Document
1.2Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Early Help Strategy April 2021
1.3Lived Experience of the Child (Voice of the Child) Practice Guidance
1.4Children Who Move Across Local Authority Boundaries

2. Information Sharing and Confidentiality

2.1Information Sharing
2.2Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Information Sharing Framework – July 2019

3. Recognition and Referral of Abuse and Neglect

3.1Recognising Abuse and Neglect
3.2Responding to concerns of Abuse and Neglect

4. Response to Child Protection Referrals

4.1Action taken when a child is referred to children’s social care
4.2Immediate protection – Under Review
4.3Child and Family Assessment
4.4Strategy Discussions Under Review
4.5Section 47 Enquiries
4.6Urgent or Emergency Situations where a Section 47 Enquiry has or will commence (Both Cross Border and Inter Hospital)

5. Child Protection Conferences

5.1Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Pre-Birth Protocol
5.2Child Protection Conferences
5.3Working with Foreign Authorities: Child Protection Cases and Care Orders
5.4East of England Region Joint Protocol on Children Subject to a Child Protection Plan Moving Between Local Authority Boundaries
5.5Complaints about a Child Protection Conference
5.6Flowchart: What Happens after the Child Protection Conference, including the Review Process

6. The Child Protection Plan

6.1Guidance for Core Group Members
6.2Child Protection Plans

7. Complaints and Professional Disagreements

7.1Resolving Professional Differences (Escalation) Policy

8. Children in Specific Circumstances

8.1 Exploitation

8.1.1Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Child Exploitation Strategy
8.1.2Safeguarding Children and Young People who may be affected by Gang Activity
8.1.3MET HUB Information Guide

8.2 Children Living Away from Home / Missing

8.2.1Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children Missing from Home or Care
8.2.2Policy and Procedure in respect of Private Fostering and Language Schools using Host Families within Cambridgeshire
8.2.3East of England Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Safeguarding Protocol
8.2.4East of England Region Joint Protocol on Supervision Orders
8.2.5Looked After Children
8.2.6Joint Protocol to address the needs of Homeless 16 and 17 year olds in Cambridgeshire

8.3 Sexual Abuse / Activity

8.3.1Child Sexual Abuse Strategy
8.3.2Guidance for Professionals Working with Sexually Active Young People Under the Age of 18
8.3.3Children & Young People Displaying Sexually Harmful Behaviour
8.3.4Policy Document for the referral of Child and Children to SARC
8.3.5Child Witnesses: Guidelines on Prosecuting Cases of Child Sexual Abuse, Crown Prosecution Service

8.4 Complex/Organised Abuse

8.4.1Organised and Complex Abuse
8.4.2Children from Abroad, Trafficking and Modern Slavery
8.4.3Online Safeguarding Strategy
8.4.4Supporting Children and Young People Vulnerable to Violent Extremism

8.5 Children at Risk Because of Concern About a Parent or Carer or the Home Environment

8.5.1Neglect Strategy
8.5.2Children At Risk Where A Parent Has A Mental Health Problem
8.5.3Children of Parents who Misuse Substances
8.5.4Working with Uncooperative or Hostile Parents
8.5.5Practice Guidance for Safeguarding Children from Dangerous Dogs

8.6 Health & Hospitals

8.6.1Safeguarding Children with Disabilities
8.6.2Fabricated or Induced Illness
8.6.3Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviour
8.6.4Supporting Schools and Colleges in responding to suicides in teenagers: A multi-agency guide for practitioners.

8.7 Babies and Pregnancy

8.7.1Concealed Pregnancies
8.7.2Bruising In Pre-Mobile Babies: A Protocol for Assessment, Management And Referral By Professionals

8.8 Harmful Practices Linked to Faith or Culture

8.8.1Child Abuse Linked to Faith and Beliefs
8.8.2Breast Ironing
8.8.3Practice Guidance on Female Genital Mutilation
8.8.4Forced Marriage
8.8.5Honour Based Violence

8.9 Custodial Settings

8.9.1Advice Relating to Police Investigations
8.9.2Provision of Therapy for Child Witnesses Prior to a Criminal Trial

8.10 Safeguarding Children and Young People – General

8.10.2Working with Interpreters and others with Special Communication Skills
8.10.3Safeguarding children and young people within faith settings (NSPCC)
8.10.4Practice Guidance for the Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families

9. Risk Management of Known Offenders and Those who Pose a Risk

9.1Managing Individuals who Pose a Risk of Harm to Children (Including MAPPA)
9.2Policy for the Education of Children with a Parent or Close Relative in Prison or at Risk of a Custodial Sentence
9.3Children Visiting Prisons
9.4Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Special Hospitals

10. Safe Workforce

10.1Managing Allegations or Serious Concerns in Respect of any Adult who Works or Volunteers with Children
10.2Safe Recruitment, Selection and Supervision of Staff
10.3Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings

11. Child Death

11.1Multi Agency Protocol for the Management of Unexpected Childhood Deaths
11.2Child Death Overview Panel Protocol
11.3Guidance for Coroners: supply information about the death of a child

12. Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

12.1Guidance for Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
12.2Guidance for completing CSPR Chronologies
12.3Information Gathering Events – Under Review

13. Safeguarding Partnership Responsibilities

13.1Organisational responsibilities
13.2Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements
13.3Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements

14. Appendices

AWorking Together to Safeguard Children 2018
BWhat to do if you’re worried a child is being abused
CInformation Sharing: Advice for Practitioners Providing Safeguarding Services to Children, Young People, Parents and Carers 2018
DKeeping children safe in education, DfE
ENICE Guidelines: Child maltreatment: when to suspect maltreatment in under 18s
FNICE Guidelines: Unintentional injuries in the home: interventions for under 15s
GNICE Guidance: Domestic violence and abuse
HNICE Guidance: Postnatal care
INICE Guidance: Transition from Children’s to Adults’ Services for Young People using Health or Social Care Services
JGeneral Medical Council: Protecting children and young people: The responsibilities of all doctors
KGeneral Medical Council: 0–18 years: guidance for all doctors
LMental Health Crisis Care Concordat- Improving Outcomes for People Experiencing Mental Health Crisis, HM Government (2014)
MPreventing and Tackling Bullying – Advice for Headteachers, Staff and Governing Bodies
NCyberbullying: Advice for headteachers and school staff
OProtecting children from radicalisation: the prevent duty
PRevised Prevent duty guidance: for England and Wales
QStatutory guidance framework: controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship
RCare of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery
SSexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges