Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnership Board Conference –

Focussing on our priority area of Neglect


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Date and Location:


1st July 2024


09:00 – 16:30


Delta Hotels by Marriott Huntingdon, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Kingfisher Way, Huntingdon, Pe29 6FL

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Our Speaker Contributors Include:

PROFESSOR DAVID SHEMMINGS OBE PHD is Emeritus Professor of Child Protection Research at the University of Kent and Visiting Professor of Child Protection Research at Royal Holloway, University of London.

David has written over 70 articles, books and chapters on relationally-based social work theory, research and practice. He was formerly co-Director, with Prof Jane Reeves, of the International Centre for Child Protection at the University of Kent which established the online multi-disciplinary and internationally-respected, distance learning MA in Advanced Child Protection, together with a number of ‘serious, interactive games’, each aimed at enhancing practitioners’ skills and raising young people’s awareness.

David trained many of the practitioners who worked with survivors of the Grenfell fire. He has also provided training to social workers supporting host families offering homes for refugees from Ukraine.

David was awarded an OBE for Services to Child Protection in the June 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Claire Pengelley-Scott is dual registered as an RMN and Health visitor and has 25 years NHS nursing experience working across a range of health settings including adult mental health units, secure hospitals, prisons, community public health nursing, and acute hospitals.

Claire has been in a specialist safeguarding role since 2016 which has included Named Nurse roles for adults and children and has experience supporting and developing all-age safeguarding policy and practice in complex health providers.

Her current role as Associate Director of Safeguarding across two large acute hospital providers in the Southwest of England includes all age safeguarding strategic leadership and active participation in multiple external safeguarding partnerships and boards.

Practice areas of interest include transitional safeguarding and risks outside the home across the 16- to 25-year-old age group, safeguarding interventions in serious youth violence and promoting professional development routes for specialist safeguarding roles.

Jane Wiffin – Freelance Consultant – undertaking Local Child Safeguarding Practice reviews, leading a national review on neglect for the National Safeguarding Panel and an associate of the Centre of Expertise on Child sexual abuse.

Jane is a social worker by profession with over 25 years experience of practice across Children’s Services in safeguarding roles. As part of this work, she has been the author of over 90 Serious Case Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.

Jane is an experienced trainer and policy advisor with a specialist interest in child and adolescent neglect, intra-familial sexual abuse, their impact across the life course and trauma-informed approaches to child and adult safeguarding.

Sally Giddins – As a qualified social work practitioner and manager Sally has always put the child at the centre of her practice. Sally has worked across the voluntary and statutory sectors with a particular interest in engaging children and young people to safeguard them and to improve their life outcomes. Over the years Sally has worked within further and higher educational establishments, social services, detached youth work, probation services, education welfare, Youth Offending Teams and the Youth Justice Board. Currently Sally works within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Boards (Children and Adults) as a practice improvement development lead. Sally is near completion of her doctoral thesis on ‘What factors act as enablers or barriers to child safeguarding practitioners’ maintenance of ‘professional curiosity’ when working with children and families?’

Tapiwa Julius – is the Principal Social Worker (PSW) for Children Education and Families Directorate within Cambridgeshire County Council. I have 17 + years of experience as a Registered Social Worker. I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to England when I was a teenager. When I think about my Social GRACES, I see the PSW role in the lens of African village where the community is at the heart of everything. The PSW’s role in the community is one of a facilitator within the village and to support the community to adopt the values of Ubuntu (humanity). I have experience of working in front line child protection services where I have worked in outstanding, good and Local authorities that require improvement. I’ve worked with children and families throughout the child’s journey within Social Care. I am Registered with Social Work England. I am the incoming National c-chair of the Principal Social Workers Network

Nicola Lamport – I have worked for Cambridgeshire Constabulary for 19 years this year in a variety of roles. The majority of my roles have been within our protecting vulnerable persons, including rape investigation, domestic abuse and child abuse. I was officially promoted to the rank of Inspector last year and secured my current role as Child Protection Detective Inspector in December 2023.

Rebecca Cooke – is an experienced Registered BSc (Hons) Paediatric Nurse, working in both NHS acute, community health care settings and charity organisations spanning 28 years. Passionate about improving the quality of care and reducing inequalities for children and adults, Becca has led numerous innovative workstreams including a Safeguarding Support Officer Apprenticeship design and Haemoglobinopathy Transition Service for Young People in collaboration with partner agency colleagues.

Becca is an accomplished International Presenter in the areas of Transition and Safeguarding Supervision and National Presenter in Transitional Safeguarding. She is co-author for the safeguarding chapter in ‘A Textbook of Children’s Young People’s Nursing’ (2021). She has also published a chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills for Children’s & Young People’s Nursing – Food Allergies & management of Anaphylaxis (2012).

Becca is currently the Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding People (Transition, LeDeR, LD & Autism) & Health Serious Violence Coordinator at NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board.

Currently completing a MSc in Safeguarding People at Birmingham City University, Becca also enjoys writing children stories for a local radio station and is a volunteer and Chairperson for Rainbow Street Watch, a West Midlands Police initiative which supports police in keeping communities safe and reducing hate crime.

Conference Programme

09.00 – Arrival and Registration

09.30 – Welcome

09.45 – Identification and Response to the neglect of child and adolescents

Jane Wiffin, Freelance Consultant – undertaking Local Child Safeguarding Practice reviews

11.00 – Comfort Break

11.20 – What is Professional Curiosity in child safeguarding practice? The latest Research

Sally Giddins BA(Hons), MSocSc, DipSW, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Safeguarding Partnership Boards Service / Anglia Ruskin University

11.50 – The role of the Police in Neglect Cases

DI Nicola Lamport, Cambridgeshire Constabulary

12.20 – Bridging Gaps: Enhancing Neglect workstreams with cultural and intersectional insights

Tapiwa Julius, Chair of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnership Board’s Neglect workstream and Children’s Principal Social Worker for Cambridgeshire County Council

12.50 – Lunch

13.50 – Trauma and Neglect

Professor David Shemmings OBE PHD. Emeritus Professor of Child Protection Research, University of Kent and Visiting Professor of Child Protection Research, Royal Holloway, University of London

15.05 – Coffee Break

15.25 – Transitional Safeguarding and Neglect

Rebecca Cooke, Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding People & Serious Violence Health Lead, and Claire Pengelley-Scott, Associate Director of Safeguarding for North Bristol Trust and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston.

16.20 – Closing Remarks

*Programme subject to change without notice

150+ Attendees

Speakers and Experts

Networking opportunities

Contact and Information

Who should attend?

This conference is intended for practitioners who work for agencies across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that support children and their families.


The Conference is free but organisations will be charged £75 per person for staff who book a place but do not attend.


Cancellations must be made a minimum of 2 weeks before the conference. Substitutions will be permitted; please email to notify us of any substitutions on the contact details below.

For more information please contact us using the details below:


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