Virtual Briefings (Sways) are interactive presentations with audio that discusses the content of the slide. They cover locally identified areas of safeguarding risk and the Board’s priorities. Generally, they last around 20 minutes per briefing.

  • All
  • Assessment Tool
  • CME
  • CSA
  • Child Exploitation
  • Child Neglect
  • Child Protection
  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Children Missing Education
  • Contextual Safeguarding
  • Domestic Abuse
  • FGM
  • FII
  • Fabricated and Induced Illness
  • GCP
  • Graded Care Profile
  • Harmful Practices
  • ICON
  • Introduction
  • LADO
  • MARM
  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • NRPF
  • No Recourse to Public Funds
  • Online Abuse
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Safeguarding Children
  • parental conflict
  • sexual violence
  • stalking

Future Learn/Health Education England

Online learning packages (Level 3) developed by Health Education England

Available at:

E- learning for health

Health Education England (HEE) has worked with subject matter experts to develop a set of high quality, national resources for Levels 1-4.

Available at:


Safeguarding adults training webinar series by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Weekly from 6th May to 10th June – 1 hour sessions 1300-1400hrs

Topics: What is Safeguarding? / Making Safeguarding Personal / Information Sharing in Safeguarding / Safeguarding and Human Rights / s42 Enquiries for Providers / Self-Neglect and Safeguarding

National Mental Capacity Forum will be hosting a webinar to discuss specific challenges in the COVID 19 period on 28th April @ 4.30pm You need to register prior to attending here:

The Children’s society

1 hour e-learning package focusing on young people’s real experiences about what it’s like to be an abused or exploited child with ‘something to tell’.

Available at:

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Host of Safeguarding learning resources e-learning free for non-members just need to register

Available at:

MindEd- elearning to support healthy minds

A selection of e-learning focused on mental wellbeing produced in affiliation with Health Education England and E-learning for Health Available at:

Webinars/ Podcasts

National Child Mortality Database

Webinar featuring new guidance on Joint Agency Response (JAR) to child deaths during COVID 19

Available at:

Emerging Minds

Webinar hosted by Professor Cathy Creswell (University of Oxford) and Dr Polly Waite (Universities of Oxford and Reading) and Professor Helen Dodd (University of Reading) In the time of COVID-19, how we can best support children and young people with their worries? What does research tell us?

Available at:

E-Learning for Health

Safeguarding Children Levels 1,2 and 3 as per intercollegiate document other specific training on suicide prevention and child sexual exploitation also available.

Available at:

Royal College of GP’s

Online safeguarding learning resources and teaching for both adult and children.

Available at:

Institute of health visiting

E-learning modules on a range of safeguarding topics including domestic abuse and slavery, Safeguarding and Child Safety. Aimed specifically for health visitors and midwifes.

Available at:

Cambridge and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Forum

Level 1 training aimed at staff requiring basic knowledge of domestic abuse Available at:

Preventing Radicalisation Basic Prevent Awareness, for Level 1 and 2. Available via:

Preventing Radicalisation – Awareness of Prevent Level 3 (Equivalent to WRAP Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) and Preventing Radicalisation (Awareness especially in the context of Mental Health) Level 3 Available via: