COVID-19 Information

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board recognises that the COVID-19 virus is putting increasing pressure on all services providing support to children, young people, adults at risk and families. In this changing landscape safeguarding continues to be a priority, however we recognise that we will all have to develop ways of doing things differently.…

Lived Experience of the Child Practice Guidance

Table of Contents Lived Experience of the Child Practice Guidance 668.80 KB 0 Downloads 31 August 2023 Download Introduction Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnership Board (CPSCPB) have recently undertaken: Multi-Agency Audits, a Multi-Agency Review and Serious Case Reviews. Throughout all of the audits and reviews it was evidenced that the’ voice of the child’…

Safeguarding in Sports Clubs

The benefits of sport and physical activity There are many benefits for children and young people taking part in sport and physical activity: Physical Health: Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, and enhances overall fitness. Emotional Well-being: Sports teach teamwork, perseverance, and resilience. Life Skills: Organised sports help children control their emotions, channel negativity positively,…

Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 2023-2025

Table of Contents Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 1.47 MB 0 Downloads 13 December 2023 Download 1. Introduction Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (CPSCP) recognises that Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is prevalent in the UK and that for many victims, the impact of this abuse can be devastating and endure into adulthood. The adverse consequences…

Virtual Briefings (Sways)

Virtual Briefings (Sways) are interactive presentations with audio that discusses the content of the slide. They cover locally identified areas of safeguarding risk and the Board’s priorities. Generally, they last around 20 minutes per briefing. Adult Resources Future Learn/Health Education England Online learning packages (Level 3) developed by Health Education England Available at: E- learning…

Section 47 Enquiries

Duty to Conduct Section 47 Enquiries Obligations and Responsibilities of all Agencies All agencies have a duty to assist and provide information in support of Section 47 Enquiries. Responsibility of Children’s Social Care Where a baby has been harmed, has died or has been abandoned then a Section 47 investigation must be completed in collaboration with the…

Child Exploitation Strategy 2021-2025

Click to download the Child Exploitation Strategy as a pdf “We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear” Nelson Mandela Table of Contents Statement of Intent The exploitation of children and young people is the responsibility of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnership Board…