Safeguarding Adults Procedures

Table of Contents Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adult Procedures 911.12 KB 153 downloads … Download 1. Introduction This manual contains the multi-agency safeguarding adult procedures and guidance for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and these procedures are your guide as to what you must do. These procedures are for all voluntary…

Children At Risk Where A Parent Has A Mental Health Problem

Table of Contents Adapted from Norfolk LSCB  and 1. Introduction This practice guidance aims to assist all agencies working with children; adults who are parents/carers or with pregnant women and their partners in identifying situations where action is needed to safeguard a child or promote their welfare as a result of an adult’s…

Supporting Schools and Colleges in responding to suicides in teenagers: A multi-agency guide for practitioners.

Supporting Schools and Colleges in responding to suicides in teenagers: A multi-agency guide for practitioners Download 7 downloads544 KB Table of Contents Handling the aftermath of a suicide is a particularly challenging experience for schools. The tensions between continuing to function as a school, support those who are grieving and celebrate the young person’s life,…

Lived Experience of the Adult

Table of Contents Introduction Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (CPSAPB) regularly undertake Multi-Agency Audits and Safeguarding Adults Reviews. These audits and reviews emphasise the importance of exploring the lived experience of the adult; what life is like for the adult should be recorded and factored in when trying to support the adult. In…

About the Partnership Board

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board (Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council, Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board), are responsible for ensuring that children, young people and adults at risk of harm, neglect and exploitation across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough receive the help and protection that they need. Safeguarding is ‘everybody’s…

Resources For Practitioners

Sections on this page Welcome to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough safeguarding resources page for all professionals (statutory and voluntary) who work with children and their families. Situated here are resources, identified by the Children’s Safeguarding Partnership Board, as helping to support practitioners to safeguard children and young people. Tools and Risk Assessments Tools for Gathering…

Recognition of Abuse and Neglect

Table of Contents The Concept of Significant Harm The Children Act 1989 provides the legal framework for defining the situations in which a local authority has a duty to make enquiries about what, if any, action to take to safeguard or promote a child’s welfare. Section 47 of the Act requires that if a local…