Mental Capacity Act Resources

Our MCA page Mental Capacity Act | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board ( has been updated to include new resources. These include a briefing on lessons from Safeguarding Adults Reviews related to mental capacity, and a guide to developing an MCA recording template for your organisation. We would like to thank James Codling (MCA/DoLS Learning…

Open Consultations on Working Together to Safeguard Children, Information Sharing Advice and Domestic Homicide Reviews

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 Working Together to Safeguard Children is the multi-agency statutory guidance that sets out expectations for the system that provides help, support and protection for children and their families. Working Together applies at every level from senior leaders to those in direct practice with families, and across all agencies and organisations…

Child Exploitation Day 2023

The 18th March 2023 is Child Exploitation Awareness Day. PACE (Parents Against Child Exploitation) have c-created an animation Towards Hope, with affected parents last year, highlights the importance of showing compassion towards families experiencing child exploitation. One parent shares, “You can help bring light to a family by saying, I hear you and I believe…