Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) for Safeguarding Children

To make informed decisions about safeguarding and achieve quality outcomes for individuals, we must share information with our partner agencies who also have responsibilities for safeguarding and prevention. It has been frequently recognised in local and national reviews of safeguarding practice that failing to share information at critical times has led to detrimental outcomes. A…

Community Contextual Safeguarding Pilot

The Pilot for the Community Contextual Safeguarding referral goes live from Monday 26th February 2024 The initial referral form has been simplified and can be found below (form A) along with the pathway. Community Contextual Safeguarding Risk Referral (Form A) Community Contextual Safeguarding Risk Level Description Partnership Pathway for Community Contextual Safeguarding Risks The Safeguarding Partnership…

Pressure ulcers: how to safeguard adults

Safeguarding adults protocol: pressure ulcers and raising a safeguarding concern (HTML) Safeguarding concern assessment appendices: adult safeguarding decision guide, body map and concern proforma (MS WORD) The Department of Health and Social Care have published today (16th January 2024) guidance with the aim of assisting practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide…