- Authoritative Practice
- Case Studies
- Home
- About the Partnership Board
- Accessibility statement
- Contact Us
- Domestic Homicide Reviews
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Training
- Disclosure and Barring Service – Understanding Barring
- Disclosure and Barring Service – Understanding Eligibility and Disclosure
- Domestic Abuse – Using the DASH to Risk Assess the Situation
- Endorsement of Single Agency Safeguarding Training
- Hoarding and Safeguarding Adults at Risk
- Introduction to Young Carers
- Modern Slavery – Working together to identify and support victims
- Recognising and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse
- Recognising and Responding to Coercive and Controlling Behaviours
- Recognising and Responding to Domestic Abuse Amongst Adults at Risk
- Recognising and Responding to Domestic Abuse Amongst Young People
- Recognising and Responding to Fabricated or Induced Illness in Adults
- Recognsing and Responding to Child Neglect
- Safeguarding Adults and the Mental Capacity Act
- Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board Conference 2023
- Safeguarding Children Partnership Board Conference 2023
- Safeguarding Children Partnership Board Conference 2024
- Self-Neglect and Safeguarding Adults at Risk
- Terms and Conditions of Booking Virtual Training
- Understanding and Responding to Fabricated and Induced Illness
- Understanding the Effects of Domestic Abuse
- Understanding the Effects of Substance Misuse & Current Trends
- Understanding the Impact of Parental Substance Misuse
- Working Together to Safeguard Adults
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Working with Child Exploitation
- Working with Gypsy Traveller Families
- Privacy Policy
- Sitemap
- Virtual Briefings (Sways)
- Child Protection
- Child Protection Steps
- Children and Young People’s Experience of Unconcious Bias
- Completing a DASH Risk Indicator Checklist
- Contextual safeguarding
- Domestic Abuse and Dementia Sway
- Domestic Abuse, Safeguarding and Covid-19
- Don’t Blame the Victim – Choosing Your Words Carefully
- FGM Resource Pack
- Graded Care Profile Workshops Training Resource
- ICON – Support for new parents
- Introduction to Child Exploitation
- Introduction to Cuckooing
- Introduction to Safeguarding Children (Part 1)
- Making Safeguarding Personal
- MARM – Multi-Agency Risk Management Guidance
- No Recourse to Public Funds
- Recognising Abuse in Adults at Risk- Part 1
- Reducing Parental Conflict
- Safeguarding Adults (Part 2)
- Safeguarding Adults from Online Abuse
- Safeguarding Children from Online Abuse
- Safeguarding Children from Online Abuse (2) – CSA and Grooming
- Safeguarding Children Part 2 – Recognise and Respond
- Safeguarding for Community Volunteers
- Sexual Violence and Safeguarding
- Using our Local Child Sexual Behaviour Assessment Tool
- What is the LADO?
- Making a Referral
- Newsletters
- Safeguarding Adults Board
- Abuse and Neglect
- Advocacy
- Blackmail
- Constipation and people with a learning disability
- County lines
- Cuckooing
- Discriminatory abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Female genital mutilation
- Financial abuse
- Fraud
- Hoarding
- Making Safeguarding Personal
- Mate crime
- Mental Capacity Act
- Mental Health Crisis
- Modern slavery and human trafficking
- Neglect
- Office of the Public Guardian
- Online Abuse
- Organisational abuse
- Physical abuse
- Radicalisation
- Scamming
- Self neglect
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual exploitation
- Stalking
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adults Policies, Procedures and Practice Guidance
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-Agency Safeguarding Policy
- Guidance for completing SAR Chronologies
- Guidance for the “Provider Enquiry Supporting Information” form
- Guidance on Safeguarding Adult Reviews
- Large Scale Enquiry (Safeguarding Adults) Procedure
- Lived Experience of the Adult
- Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures to Support People who Self-Neglect
- Multi-agency Protocol for Working with People with Hoarding Behaviours
- Multi-Agency Protocol Supporting People with No Recourse to Public Funds
- Multi-Agency Risk Management Guidance
- Practice Guidance on Pressure Ulcers
- Practitioner Information Gathering Event Guidance
- Procedure for Managing Allegations against People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT)
- Safeguarding Adults Procedures
- Safeguarding Adults Resolving Professional Differences (Escalation Policy)
- Safer Recruitment Guidance
- Glossary of Safeguarding Adult Terms
- Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme
- Resources for Practitioners
- Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Abuse and Neglect
- Safeguarding Children Partnership Board
- Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
- Information for Professionals
- Abusive Head Trauma
- Allegations against professionals and volunteers who work with Children
- Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief
- Child Deaths and the Child Death Overview Panel
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Children Missing Education and Elective Home Education
- Children who go missing
- Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Exploitation
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Harmful Practices
- Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage
- Lived Experience of the Child
- Multi-Agency Policies and Procedures
- Action by CSC on receipt of a referral
- Breast Ironing
- Bruising In Pre-Mobile Babies: A Protocol for Assessment, Management And Referral By Professionals
- Bullying
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Protocol and Terms of Reference for CDOP Partners
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Early Help Strategy April 2021
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Pre-Birth Protocol
- Cambridgeshire Threshold Document: Continuum of Help and Support
- Child Abuse Linked to a faith or beliefs
- Child and Family Assessment
- Child Exploitation Strategy 2021-2025
- Child Protection Conferences
- Child Protection Plans
- Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 2021 – 2023
- Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 2023-2025
- Children & Young People Displaying Sexually Harmful Behaviour: Protocol
- Children At Risk Where A Parent Has A Mental Health Problem
- Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation
- Children of Parents who Misuse Substances
- Children Visiting Prisons
- Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Special Hospitals
- Children Who Move Across Local Authority Boundaries: Cross Boundary Protocol
- Complaints about a Child Protection Conference
- Concealed Pregnancies
- East of England Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Safeguarding Protocol
- Effective Support for Children and Families (Thresholds) Document
- Fabricated or Induced Illness
- Forced Marriage
- Guidance for Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
- Guidance for completing CSPR Chronologies
- Guidance for Core Group Members
- Guidance for Professionals Working with Sexually Active Young People Under the age of 18
- Honour-Based Violence
- Immediate Protection
- Information Sharing
- Joint Protocol for the assessment of Homeless 16 and 17 year olds in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough
- Lived Experience of the Child Practice Guidance
- Looked After Children
- Managing Allegations or Serious Concerns in Respect of any Adult who Works or Volunteers with Children
- Managing Individuals who Pose a Risk of Harm to Children
- Missing from Home or Care
- Multi Agency Protocol for the Management of Unexpected Childhood Deaths
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements
- Neglect Strategy 2018 – 2022
- Online Safeguarding Strategy 2021 – 2023
- Organisational responsibilities
- Overarching Tier 1 Children Safeguarding Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)
- Perplexing Presentation MASH enquiry process
- Peterborough Threshold Document: Continuum of Help and Support
- Policy and Procedure in respect of Private Fostering and Language Schools using Host Families within Cambridgeshire
- Policy Document for the referral of Child and Young Persons to the Sexual Assault Referral Centre
- Practice Guidance for practitioners on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Practice Guidance for Safeguarding Children from Dangerous Dogs
- Practice Guidance for the Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families
- Practitioner Information Gathering Event Guidance
- Protocol for Urgent or Emergency Situations where a Section 47 Enquiry has or will commence (Both Cross Border and Inter Hospital)
- Recognition of Abuse and Neglect
- Resolving Professionals Differences (Escalation) Policy
- Responding to Concerns of Abuse and Neglect
- Safeguarding Children and Young People who may be affected by Gang Activity
- Safeguarding Disabled Children
- Safer Recruitment, Selection and Supervision of Staff
- Section 47 Enquiries
- Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviour
- Strategy Discussions
- Supporting Children and Young People Vulnerable to Violent Extremism
- Supporting Schools and Colleges in responding to suicides in teenagers: A multi-agency guide for practitioners.
- Whistleblowing
- Working with Interpreters and others with Special Communication Skills
- Working with Uncooperative or Hostile Parents
- Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
- Neglect
- New Children Board Procedures
- Online Abuse and Exploitation
- Physical Abuse
- Prevent
- Safeguarding and community inclusion
- Safeguarding for GPs and Independent Contractors
- Parents / Carers
- Resources For Practitioners
- Safeguarding in Sports Clubs
- z – Binned pages
- Updated Threshold Documents for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children
- National review into child sexual abuse within the family environment
- Disabled Children’s Social Care – Consultation
- Slavery victims worked at McDonalds
- Stalking
- Fabricated and Induced Illness in Adults
- Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) for Safeguarding Children
- Community Contextual Safeguarding Pilot
- Community Contextual Safeguarding – Raising concerns about Spaces and Networks
- Children Missing Education
- Pressure ulcers: how to safeguard adults
- How you make Safeguarding Children Referrals to Peterborough is changing
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
- CSA Strategy 2023 – 2025 Launch
- Adult Safeguarding Professionals Survey
- Contextual Risk (including Exploitation) Screening Tool
- New mental health text line – HEAR 85258
- Child Protection Steps
- Developing an Understanding of CSA Training
- An Introduction to Child Protection Briefing
- Child Neglect – 7 Minute Briefing
- Child Neglect Briefing
- Changes to booking on to our Safeguarding Training
- Reducing Parental Conflict
- Fire Safety for e-bikes and e-scooters
- Mental Capacity Act Resources
- Open Consultations on Working Together to Safeguard Children, Information Sharing Advice and Domestic Homicide Reviews
- Sexual Assault Referral Clinic (SARC) Paediatric Pathway
- Domestic Abuse and Dementia
- Hidden Phones – Managing Emergency Government Alerts
- Child Exploitation Day 2023
- Statement issued on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership
- NRM at Lunch: NRM Workshop
- The management of bruising in non-mobile infants paper
- Multi-agency safeguarding and domestic abuse paper
- Introduction to Safeguarding Children (Part 2) – Recognise and Respond
- Introduction to Safeguarding Children (Part 1)
- New campaign launched – Can you help?
- Contextual Safeguarding
- New expert child protection units across the country
- What is the LADO?
- Statement issued on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership
- Multi-Agency Risk Management Guidance
- FGM Resource Pack
- Statement issued on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership
- ICON – Support for New Parents
- Better Together – Building system resilience to tackle Child Criminal Exploitation
- Annual Report 2020/21
- Completing a DASH Risk Indicator Checklist
- Statement issued on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership
- Using Our Local Child Sexual Behaviour Assessment Tool
- Graded Care Profile Workshops
- Child Neglect Resource Pack
- Don’t Blame the Victim
- Children and young people’s experience of unconscious bias
- Gaming and Gambling : FREE CPD for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Primary teachers Autumn 2021
- Children’s Experiences of Unconscious Bias
- Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel Third National Review
- East of England Local Safeguarding Adult Boards – Learning from Local Boards
- Updated Child Sexual Abuse Strategy, Assessment Tool and Resources
- Essential Maintenance
- Feeling bored, flat and unmotivated?
- Open consultation – Introducing national standards for unregulated provision
- Making Safeguarding Personal
- A new campaign from the Internet Watch Foundation
- Perplexing Presentations (PP)/Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII) in Children Guidance
- No Recourse to Public Funds
- Launch of online referral for Safeguarding Children
- Online Referral Form for Children Social Care
- Online safeguarding: the dark web: what is it?
- Safeguarding: consent issues for HM Passport Office Staff
- Safer Sleep Week
- Assessing child neglect with the Graded Care Profile
- Lasting power of attorney: Your Voice, Your Decision campaign
- Safeguarding Children from Online Abuse (Part 2) – CSA and Grooming
- National Safeguarding Adults Week: Monday 16-Sunday 22 November 2020
- Child Sexual Abuse Survey
- Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: Non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings
- An Introduction to Child Exploitation
- Sexual Violence and Safeguarding
- Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding
- Introduction to Safeguarding Adults (Part 2)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020
- Community Safeguarding Leaflet
- Introduction to Safeguarding Adults (Part 1) – Recognising Abuse in Adults at Risk
- Safeguarding Children from Online Abuse (Part 1)
- E-Learning Resources
- Emergency Legislation Relaxes Council’s Statutory Duties to Vulnerable Children
- Safeguarding for Community Volunteers
- Safeguarding Adults from Online Abuse
- SCIE Safeguarding Adults Webinar Series 6th May – 10th June
- What you need to do if you call 999 in an emergency and are unable to talk
- COVID-19: SCIE publishes guidance on supporting autistic people & people with learning disabilities
- Be careful what you share: Things aren’t always what they seem online
- Article of interest: Here is why you might be feeling tired while on lockdown
- Changes to Children Services due to Covid-19
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Training Update
- New Safeguarding Arrangements for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Notification of Child Deaths to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CDOP
- Hoarding
- Research study looking at men’s experience of post separation of aggression and control
- Webster Court: open session highlights work supporting over 50’s with complex needs
- Safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings: online safety considerations
- Today is Safer Internet Day!
- Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill: easy read
- CQC | New learning resource on hypothermia
- Taking action to keep children and adults at risk safe in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- County lines | huge scale of drug industry revealed
- Online Safety Live
- One in eight of five to 19-year-olds had a mental disorder in 2017, major new survey finds
- Lived Experience of the Child – Practice Guidance and Resources
- Effective Support for Children and Families (Threshold) Document – Launch date
- What do you know about Adults Safeguarding?
- LSCB Annual Report 2017/18
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Introduction to Child Neglect
- Acquired Brain Injury in Children: the hidden needs
- Impact of Parental Substance Misuse
- Domestic Abuse – Using DASH to Risk Assess the Situation
- Introduction to Young Carers
- Fabricated and Induced Illness (FII)
- An Introduction to Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Abuse and Young People
- Domestic Abuse and Adults
- Safeguarding Adults and the Mental Capacity Act
- Early Help – Back to Basics
- Update from the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
- Introduction to Child Neglect
- Self-Neglect & Safeguarding Adults at Risk
- Hoarding & Safeguarding Adults at Risk
- Substance Use Awareness & Trends
- Modern Slavery – Working together to identify and support victims
- Disclosure and Barring Service – Understanding Barring
- Disclosure and Barring Service – Understanding Eligibility and Disclosure
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Updates from the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board
- Working with Gypsy Traveller Families
- Coercive Control
- Introduction to Child Exploitation
- Working Together to Safeguard Adults
- Introduction to Safeguarding Adults
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